KangZheng Li

About KangZheng Li
KangZheng is an up-and-coming AWS Cloud Engineer with two years of professional experience in architecting and implementing cloud solutions. He enjoys researching the latest technology trends and applying them to client projects.
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Posts by KangZheng Li

AWS Data Transfer Charges

Understanding AWS Data Transfer Charges Data transfer charges have a significant impact on total cost of ownership (TCO) in the cloud. However, many factors influence when charges are incurred and the amounts can vary too, which makes it hard to estimate costs upfront.  In this video, KangZheng Li, one of our Associate Consultants, offers insights […]

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Service Choreography for Modern Applications

Introduction On a high level, most typical applications consist of workflows that process tasks. Within each workflow are steps performing actions on the tasks. In modern applications, these steps are typically implemented as container services or serverless microservices.  If we use an analogy to help understand this, then the application would be an organisation such […]

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AWS Data Transfer Charges for Server and Serverless Architecture

Published by Amazon Web Services (AWS), Senior Consultant Thomas Smart and Associate Consultant KangZheng Li, in collaboration with AWS, provide an insight into AWS data transfer charges for server and Serverless architectures. In this blog, the authors uncover some hidden truths essential to accurate cloud cost estimations with the development of two key insight visuals. The first […]

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The Evolution of Testing in the Age of Serverless

Introduction As organisations adopt microservices for rebuilds and new applications, many will realise that the established ‘Test Pyramid’ approach to testing is considerably less effective than it was with traditional applications. The Test Pyramid emphasises unit tests that focus on the application’s individual functions and code. These comprise the bulk of this testing strategy, reflected […]

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Event Storming

Event Storming is a workshop-based approach to migrating a monolithic application to a microservices architecture. It follows a series of steps to assess the monolith, discover events, and identify actors who use the system. The final step of grouping these insights will help to inform an effective event-driven microservices architecture. The rise of Microservices has […]

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Building the Core Foundations for Cloud at Scale™

Summary Sourced has developed a proven solution to help enterprises launch strategic, well-planned cloud initiatives on public cloud. Called the Cloud at Scale™ Core Foundations, the framework is designed to achieve early wins and lay the foundation for an ongoing cloud adoption journey. In this whitepaper, Sourced demonstrates how the Cloud at Scale™ approach enables […]

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