Sourced has developed our methodology to cloud deployment patterns in a consumable whitepaper. The approach talks to provisioning and managing resource life cycles in the cloud, which is often one of the most critical decisions that underpin and influences our clients’ organisational cloud adoption journey.
Working with organisations across different regions and industries has allowed us to observe trends in the Cloud Deployment Patterns over several years. To help guide our clients, in the whitepaper, we have identified some common deployment patterns used in organisations today, such as; a service catalogue, Infrastructure module pipelines, inline validation pipeline and freedom from guardrails.
Each described pattern comes with potential benefits and downsides and should be carefully evaluated against the key factors of security controls, target operating model, end-user experience and organisational capabilities.

Keiran Sweet is a Principal Consultant with Sourced Group and is currently based in Sydney, Australia. He works with customers to automate more and integrate with next-generation technologies.