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Enterprise Cloud at Scale™

Our strategic approach sets enterprises up for secure, sustainable and successful use of cloud.

Home / Cloud at Scale™ Core Foundations

Building the Right Foundations

Today, the cloud is a proven technology platform that delivers multiple benefits to large enterprises in terms of flexibility, velocity, and the ability to innovate in the same way as agile start-ups. At Sourced, we firmly believe that in order to realise the complete benefits of cloud computing, organisations should adopt a cloud-at-scale approach.

The typical app-centric or one-off approaches to cloud adoption can cause significant problems for the enterprise, including: mis-alignment with the organisation’s security and governance posture, technical debt, runaway cloud consumption and the real possibility of data breaches. Cloud adoption must be carefully considered, mapped, and aligned to the enterprise as a whole.

Cloud at Scale™ Core Foundations

Sourced has developed a proven solution to help enterprise clients launch their cloud initiatives. It’s designed to achieve early wins and lay the foundation for an ongoing cloud adoption journey. Called the Cloud at Scale™ Core Foundations, this solution allows large enterprises in highly regulated industries to adopt cloud quickly, while ensuring strict compliance and security.

With Sourced’s Cloud at Scale™ Core Foundations framework, enterprises avoid the common pitfalls of cloud whilst increasing the speed and security of cloud adoption. Within the framework, cloud computing is viewed not just as a technology solution, but one that encompasses people, tools and processes.

The Cloud at Scale™ Core Foundations offering provides the groundwork for this broader, holistic approach. It gives organisations the tools to quickly launch a cloud adoption program while enabling a multi-year cloud strategy.

At the heart of the solution is a Sourced-built secure and compliant, enterprise-grade virtual data centre in the cloud, along with an initial set of pre-defined consumables (templates) that contain the enterprise’s security, compliance and deployment opinions. This virtual data centre becomes the foundation on which the entire cloud journey is built and grows — from a single workload, to 10, 100 and beyond.

Cloud at Scale™ Core Foundations uses our proven methodologies and approaches developed over a decade-long track record of creating low-friction governance and compliance frameworks that address the most challenging enterprise requirements. Our highly trained consultants and project managers draw on that experience to provide the tools, templates and expertise to identify core needs, maximize value and ease the transition to cloud.

To learn more, download our whitepaper.

Sourced Group Cloud at Scale Whitepaper cover page

We help enterprises implement Cloud at Scale™ with a focus on security, governance and compliance.

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